Ed Parker integrated various facets of self defense: punches, blocks, kicks, grappling, etc. into one cohesive art, called it Kenpo and did it back in the 1950′s, allowing it to grow and change as needed in each decade’s or societal needs. With all of the recent hoopla on MMA and the “sudden” recognition of the need to learn street tactics and street awareness, Mr. Parker’s Kenpo has been doing just that for 50 years!!!!!!

The Dark Dragon Kenpo™ system is a back-to-basics, streamlined, lean and mean version of the traditional techniques of Kenpo Karate, drawing techniques from a variety of strains of Kenpo, including but not limited to American Kenpo, Dragon Kenpo and others.

Dark Dragon Kenpo™ does not teach any katas (forms) but rather concentrates on self defense techniques, taught and practiced in real life type situations and scenarios. Dark Dragon Kenpo™ empowers the student to learn the system for the real reason the student begins martial arts training: to be able to defend themselves. We teach men and women and encourage parents with pre-teen or teens to come and train together.

We use that name to symbolize the art and knowledge that we know and have access to, but is hidden to all, only to be used when when no other alternative is available. Thus it is kept in the dark, hidden, not to be used until physical confrontation is unavoidable.

The Warrior

Who is Dark Dragon Kenpo™?

We at Dark Dragon Kenpo™ Karate believe in the rapid response and quick disposal philosophy of Kenpo to include making the techniques familiar to the practitioner.

The Scholar

Dark Dragon Kenpo™ Library

Mentally and spiritually expand upon what you have already learned. Expose yourself to other philosophies, practices and concepts. Learn about new and existing products, services and research information.

Dark Dragon Kenpo™ Long Distance Learning/Home Study Course

Expose yourself to the benefits of long distance learning while providing yourself the opportunity to learn at home at your own pace. Learn a Kenpo system when not available in your area and how to defend yourself and to concentrate only on that aspect of marital arts. Visually Reinforce what you have learned in class. See real life basics, sets and techniques practiced in slow and full motion.

Dark Dragon Kenpo Store

Tetsu-Do Designs™

Offers original designs of hand crafted martial arts rings for a variety of styles.
 We also can offer some of the designs
as pendants as well as offer our
services for the production of custom rings made to your order, utilizing your artwork or artwork that we can recommend.